Selen Akgün>
Selen Akgün
Our Team
Selen Akgün is an associate at our  Corporate and M&A  / PE Department. She advises national and international companies in general corporate advisory services and takes part in M&A transactions. Selen ‘s work focuses on corporate law, commercial law, mergers and acquisitions transactions. Her sectoral work covers heavy industry, health, agriculture, automotive, retail, FMCG, manufacturing, e-commerce, technology and textiles.

Selen Akgün graduated from The Dickson Poon School of Law, King’s College  School of Law in 2017 and speaks English at a professional level.

Dual-use items, which include goods, software, and technology applicable for both civilian and military purposes, present a complex challenge in today's volatile global landscape, requiring careful regulation and control. The content elaborates on the international efforts, particularly the Wassenaar Arrangement and national practices, to manage these risks, while also discussing the specific stance and legal framework of Turkey in combating the unintended consequences of such dual-use items..